BEGIN Program Policy 26.0


Policy 26.0


The BEGIN PROGRAM requires the Principal and all teacher and assistant teacher qualified staff to hold current American Heart Association certification in First Aid and CPR.  This training must be completed within the first 60 days of employment.  If a situation should arise in which First Aid or CPR must be administered, the staff must administer according to his/her training.


If a child has an injury and requires additional care instructions must be made in writing prior to the child returning to our faculty. This is to ensure that your child is given the highest level of care and we are able to complete the tasks asked of us.



Staff members that are qualified as a Teacher and Assistant Teacher are CPR and First Aid certified.


There are “Procedures for Emergency Care” posted in each classroom to aid in case of emergency.


Safety Rules for Prevention of Accidents are as follows:

  1. Injury Prevention: if Program Principal and/or any staff at BEGIN PROGRAM feel that any activity is unsafe, such activity shall be stopped immediately.  Unsafe activities include but are not limited to:
    1. Running across the parking lot
    2. Sliding head first on playground equipment
    3. Unusual roughness on the playground
    4. Building block towers over the top of a child’s head
  2. Pedestrian Accidents Prevention:
    1. All pathways are to be kept cleared.
    2. Any floor covering will be taped or secured in place.
    3. Snow and ice shall be removed from all walkways.
    4. Children on walks shall use a rope or a partner system depending on the child’s age.
    5. Children shall be educated on pedestrian safety procedures.
  3. Poisoning Prevention:
    1. BEGIN PROGRAM Principal will not keep potentially poisonous materials on hand unless use of the material is necessary.
    2. All potentially poisonous materials will be secured in a location which is not accessible to the children.
    3. All staff will be educated on the hazards of poisonous materials.  Poison control contact information will be posted in each classroom.
    4. Children will not be allowed to use hazardous materials.
    5. Staff will comply with MN Rule 3 requirement of 100% sight and sound of all children in the classroom.
    6. Staff purses and jackets will also be kept in an area which is not accessible to the children.
  4. Choking Prevention:
    1. BEGIN PROGRAM staff will be careful when buying equipment and supplies for the classroom to purchase games and manipulative that is age appropriate.
    2. Children are not to put game pieces or building items in their mouths.
    3. Staff must monitor the size of food pieces served.
    4. Staff must encourage children to take sufficient time when eating and to provide a clam, relaxed atmosphere giving plenty of time to finish meals.
  5. Prevent Suffocation:
    1. All plastic bags must be secured in a location that is not accessible to children and also must be disposed of properly.
    2. When children are playing with blankets and similar play items, staff must be alert to the potential for suffocation and intervene when necessary.
    3. String and yarn type items will be used only in planned, supervised activities.
    4. All cords for curtains or blinds must be placed out of the reach of children.
  6. Prevent Traffic Accidents:
    1. BEGIN PROGRAM is currently not involved in transporting children for any reason.
    2. The only exception to this is if a staff member is listed by the child’s parents as an authorized person to pick up the child and staff member will not transport child without notification from the parent/guardian and not during working hours.


  1. Prevent Burns:
    1. BEGIN PROGRAM shall ensure that the water temperature in hand washing sinks does not exceed 120 degrees.
    2. Children are not to enter the hand washing area unsupervised.
    3. Heat sources in the classroom are protected, insulated or located out of the reach of children to protect children from burns.
    4. Food carts are closely monitored by staff and children are kept away from them.
    5. Food is served to children at a safe temperature for eating (140 Degrees)




Policy 26.1


Each classroom is responsible to conduct a DAILY safety check to verify the classroom has been inspecting for potential hazards in the facility and outdoor play space. There is a space on each classroom cleaning sheets to initial that this is complete each day.



All accidents and incidents must be recorded and the following information must be in the report:

  1. Date
  2. Time and Place of incident
  3. Name and Age of child (but not name of other child involved)
  4. Type of Injury
  5. Action taken
  6. To whom it was reported
  7. Signature of the person filling out the report.


A copy of the report must be distributed as follows:

  • A copy needs to be given to the parent
  • A copy needs to go into the child’s file in the classroom binder


The Principal will collect annually for review and file for the proper retention.


A report must be written for ALL injuries no matter how minor even if there is no mark left.  A report must also be written for incidents that the parents should be aware of such as: the child cutting their hair with scissors, a continued use of vulgar language, behaviors, bathroom accidents or spills resulting in the child wearing clothes other than what they came in that day.


The bottom section of the incident report should be completed by staff after a copy is made for the parents of any actions taken to prevent future incidents.


Review of Accident, Injury and Incident Reports


The program Principal will monitor the occurrence of accidents, injuries and incidents and make necessary adjustments as needed, for the safety of the children in care at least annually.  Necessary modifications will be assessed and implemented according to need on a regular basis.




Policy 26.2



  1. Treat with medical supplies on hand. Each room is equipped with a First Aid Kit
  2. Evaluate periodically to see if further medical attention is required.
  3. Document treatments and evaluations in children’s file, by filing an incident report. Make a copy for the parents and the file in the classroom.
  4. Communicate with family members.



  1. Employ first aid techniques as trained, if needed. There is a Emergency Care aid posted in each classroom to assist in emergency
  2. Contact 911, if immediate medical attention required.
  3. If an illness or an injury requires a doctor’s care, but emergency services are not required, the staff members should then work with family to take the child to the emergency room, pediatric clinic, or hospital per instructions of the family member.



  1. If an unresponsive child occurs at the Child Care Facility the following should be contacted immediately:
    1. Call 911, request emergency assistance.
    2. Administer CPR and First Aid till further assistance arrives
    3. Contact local Law Enforcement; allow them to notify the family members.
    4. Contact facility Principal
    5. Incident Reports should be completed by staff members involved
    6. The body should not be moved or tampered with.
    7. All children should be moved to a part of the building away from the body.
    8. The children should only be told what is essential for them to know about what has occurred, but should be offered comfort and counseling as needed.
    9. No news media should be contacted. If a news reporter is aware of what has occurred and solicits information, he/she should be referred to the facility’s Principal. No filming or photography is to be allowed inside the building.


NOTE: Never move or touch unidentified or suspicious objects.




When a child is in our care and a tick is found on the child the following steps are taken.

  • If the tick is crawling or moving around then remove it and flush it down the toilet
  • If the tick has imbedded is head into the skin:
    • Before removing call the parent and ask permission before removing
    • If permission is received remove the tick and flush it down the toilet
    • Monitor the site and show the parents at pick up unless there is concerns then the parent should be contacted again to advise them of the development. We will follow the parents recommendations.
    • Complete an incident/accident report



Policy 26.3


The Center must call the Department of Human Services if any of the following things happen.  A written record must also be kept at the Center for review.  A verbal report must occur:

  1. Within 24 hours of the death of a child in care at the Center
  2. Within 24 hours of any injury to a child in care at the Center that required treatment by a physician.
  3. Within 48 hours of the occurrence of a fire during the hours of operation that requires the service of a fire department.
  4. Within 24 hours of the use of any emergency medical service by a child in our care.


The Center must call the Department of Health if any of the following happen:

  1. Whenever a child is bitten by an animal while in care at the Center.
  2. Whenever a reportable disease occurs at the Center.  The reportable diseases are listed:  Camplyobacteriosis, E Coli, Giardiasis, Haemphilus Influenza, Hepatitus A, Hepatitus B, HIV, Lyme Diesase, Measles, Meninggococcal Disease, Mumps, Pertussis, Reye Syndrome, Rubella, Salmonellosis, Shingellosis, Turberculosis ect.


The immediate concern is to the aid of the sick or injured person. Proceed according to the following plan:

  1. No staff member should place themselves at risk in the rescue of an injured child or staff member.
  2. Call Emergency 911 and request the needed emergency responders.
  3. Do not move the victim, especially if their injury is the result of a fall, unless they are in a life threatening or dangerous environment.
  4. Treat immediately life-threatening injuries first in priority order:
    • Impaired Breathing
    • Heart or Circulatory
    • Severe Bleeding
    • Shock


Impaired Breathing – Work Efficiently: The average person will die in six minutes or less if their oxygen supply is cut off. Place victim on his/her back, loosen collar, remove any obstructions to the airway, and apply mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (if so trained). After the victim is breathing alone, treat for shock.


Heart / Circulation Failure – Work quickly. If possible, get trained help and work as a team. Apply cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). If successful, treat for shock.


Severe Bleeding – Act Quickly. Apply direct pressure on the wound with your hands, using a clean cloth if one is available. If there are no fractures, elevate the wound. If bleeding is of a spouting or pumping nature, apply pressure to the appropriate arterial pressure point. Never use a tourniquet except as a last resort.


Shock – If there is no head or chest injury, keep head lower than the rest of the body.

Loosen clothing and cover with blankets. Encourage fluids if victim is conscious and there is no abdominal injury or nausea.


Other injuries / illnesses should be treated in priority with respect to threat to life. Depending on the seriousness of the injury the victim should be taken to a nearby hospital by ambulance.


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